Interested in learning more about the programs available within the Gregori Musical Arts Association (GMAA)? Gregori parents and students it is highly recommended that you sign up for this service. Your number remain private and you can reply for help or questions. Additionally, Mr. Herrera is the only person who can send messages and thus will be the sole person to have the ability to view phone numbers.

You may sign up by texting the number 81010 and fill in the messages below OR type the codes directly onto the "Add Class" icon on the remind app:

>Athletic Band: @g7ee67

>Concert Band: @e2g2b

>GMAA: @gmaa

>Jazz Band: 92a4e42

>Orchestra: @b2acgb

>Percussion Ensembles: @6cef9b

>Colorguard (Afterschool team): @hk3634

>"Color Guard" (Afterschool Music Programs): @fgab6k

>Summer Music Lessons: @k7ch44

>Tri-M Music Honor Society: @43a3e